
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Featured Seller: Kevin Bierbaum!!!

Today's Featured Seller is a True Artist! I only wish I could take pictures half as stunning as his!
Say Hello to Kevin and his awesome shop:
Kevin's Shop was another Shop that I just stared at every picture and debated forever about which pictures to feature! I really wanted to just post them all....but then that would give you no real reason to visit his beautiful shop!
~Lets learn a little more about the Artisit:
"My name is Kevin Bierbaum and I am a 27 yr old fine art photographer. I started seriously approaching art in early 2010. I realized that my art could possibly make me some money rather than just being a part time hobby. I opened my Etsy shop in middle of April and it has been a fun journey.
~I have learned so much in such a short amount of time and I look forward to the future.
~My motivation is to inspire and enlighten other's every day lives with my art.
~Besides working on my Etsy shop I also blog about other emerging artists"
~Thanks for sharing Kevin! Here's just a couple more samples of his work and then you just have to head on over to his shop!
Unique....but neat perspective!
And as a huge Horse lover....I had to throw this beauty in!
Okay....Now go check out his shop (Warning: you'll be there for a while!)
~Thanks Again Kevin for sharing your talent with us!
~If you'd like to be featured on my blog just follow and leave a comment with a link to your shop!
~Thanks for stopping in BedBuggs Boutique-


  1. Great feature! I love horses as well :)

  2. Hi, I'm following you now, lovely art work on the blog.

    My shop is

    Thank you

  3. wow, the horse photo is just beautiful!
