
Monday, June 28, 2010

Today's Featured Seller: Karisma by Kara!!!

Here's another Great Shop that I'm way excited about, and I've spent way too much time in her shop (I'm afraid that if I had the money I would have cleared out half her shop.) But lets hear it for Karisma by Kara!
Isn't this Onyx Necklace just beautiful....I would say so as I have a soft spot for Onyx Jewelry. Here's a little more about the creator:
~"I have always loved creating things. I find joy and satisfaction if by the end of the day I have something tangible or visual that I can say I made:) ~"As a child I was always making something and then attempting to either sell it at a garage sell or by soliciting our neighbors! My mother about died when she found out that I had been going door to door trying to sell a facial concoction of baby powder and baby oil to our neighbors.
~"So needless to say, I have always had the desire to be self employed and utilize the creative abilities that God has given me. I'm just glad I didn't go into the business of creating cosmetics:)
~"I went on to major in studio art in college and was able to illustrate textbooks on the side.
~"While I love drawing and painting I have become enamored with creating jewelry. It is such a creative outlet. What I find most appealing about jewelry making is that I can keep up with it. Paintings take so much longer and I usually have a sketchbook of ideas and lots of unfinished pieces. With jewelry, as soon as an idea pops into my head I can go into my craft room and come out with something new! It's just very rewarding.
~"I also love the graphic design aspect of my business. I love designing banners, logos, pamphlets, you name it! Nothing excites me more than printed materials. I know it's crazy but I love the crispness of designs and the way it looks on paper:)
~"I'm married and have 3 cats:)
~"Having my own business is often a challenge but it is so rewarding! I wouldn't trade my little business in for any job in the world. I love what I do and thank God everyday for giving me the means to fulfill my dream:)."
~Thanks so much for sharing with us Kara! Now that we have all been inspired by Kara's you all go to be inspired by her shop!
Kara's Shop is one that you will definitely want to heart and to keep an eye on...because I guarantee she'll be a huge success shortly! ;)
~Well I'm I go now to create!
~Would you like to see your shop featured here on my blog?
Just follow and leave a comment with a direct link to your shop, so I can contact you!
~Hope to hear from you soon!


  1. Thanks, Krista! You're so sweet and you do such a great job with your blog:)


  2. nice article! thanks for introducing me to Karisma by Kara - she does have charmisa:)

  3. Hi my etsy shop is :)

  4. Wow, what a nice feature you did! Her jewelry is gorgeous, I wish her lots of success!
