
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Featured Seller: UsagiRabbit!!!

Today's Seller is a very unique and cute one! You are just going to love the creativity of this shop!!! Say Hello to UsagiRabbit!
Okay...this plush bunny is pretty dark cute! And if you love this one you are going to love this entire shop as it is loaded with fun varieties!
Let's learn a little about this great seller!
~"Bright colors, textures, quotes, other cultures, and themes inspire me. My room is packed with tattered old art books and manga (Japanese graphic novels). I love reading Haiku and watching old Japanese movies. I don't speak much Japanese yet but I'm trying to learn. The name of my shop actually means 'RabbitRabbit' since Usagi means rabbit in Japanese. Hence the name, UsagiRabbit. Rabbits are my favorite animals and I have rabbit images, paintings, sketches, and figurines all over my room. I collect work from other artists and it's absolutely amazing how each one depicts the same animal in so many different ways!
~"To me, making art is not a choice. I have to do it, it's almost like a compulsion. Sometimes, this strong feeling overtakes me and I just HAVE to make something. (If it hits when I'm in the middle of a class I start doodling on the edges of my notes... doesn't always go over well with professors.) A small sketchbook and pen are kept by my bed as waking up at 2 am to sketch out a sudden idea is not uncommon. Needless to say, coffee is kept close at hand.

~"I've tried just about every kind of medium over the years: paint, clay, beads, wire, wood, ink, yarns, and so many others. No single one clicked with me. I felt frustrated with art. I could picture things in my head but my hands just wouldn't cooperate. Thanks to a friend's suggestion, about two months ago, I tried working in felt and I have been hooked ever since. I swear I dream about sheep!
~"If I could say only one thing to an artist who is feeling 'artistically frustrated' it would be this: keep trying, keep working on ideas, try every possible medium that you can. It's totally worth it when you find the medium that's right for you. Plus, you'll learn a lot of new things and meet lots of great people along the way. To me, making art really is the best thing in the world. It's not always easy and sometimes it can be downright painful (sewing too much causes me to sprain my wrist) but it's something I just couldn't live without."

~Thanks so much for sharing with us Jackie! Love your shop! And I know everyone else will too! Here's the link to her shop again:

~But Wait!!! Don't forget to check out Jackie's Blog too!!!

~Would you like to be featured? Because believe it or not....I WOULD LOVE TO FEATURE YOU!!! I love seeing new shops and sharing with my readers!
Just follow my blog and leave a comment with a link to your shop so I can convo you with the questionnaire!

~Thanks for Stopping by and have a Great Day!!!~


  1. What a lovely blog!!

    I am a newbie to selling on Etsy, I only have a few things listed at the moment, but more to come!

  2. Very cute! I would also be interested in being featured.

    I'm new to this whole blogging thing so I'm not sure how to "follow" you yet but I will favorite you and check in to see all your cute stuff. : )

    If you have a favorite item you would like me to write about on my wordpress let me know. ; )

  3. Love your blog, and all of your features are great too!

    I'd love to be featured on your blog!

    here's a link to my shop
